

Mozilla的Brendan Eich做了一会儿CEO,不到半个月之后就下台了。一个javascript的author,一个在公司待了15年的老臣,倒在了Prop-8脚下。就因为4年前support Prop-8(ban gay marriage)捐了1000刀,他一上台,gay界开始各种boycott Mozilla,质疑声不断。

在旧金山,IT业的蓬勃发展导致贫富不均,屌丝逆袭,物价上涨,房租上涨,一些住了几十年的人被房东赶出,于是各种抗议也越来越多。T上市的时候就有人在公司门口抗议,发展到现在有人在Google shuttle前呕吐,有人去Kevin Rose(Digg创世人, Google Venture Partner)家门口发传单诋毁。这两天还听说一帮人专门在旧金山flip smart car。



ps. HBO的新剧《Silicon Valley》上线,笑点还真不少。

写在Google Reader关闭之后

前两天还在抱怨好久没什么更新呢, 结果今天就关了. 互联网上好多的好的服务真是可惜, 各种死法, 服务太好成本太高垮掉, 大公司调整产品砍掉, 小公司被卖掉后产品被砍掉, 当然还有一种可能就是会被墙掉.

Google Reader的前PM在Quora上说:

Brian Shih, Former Google Reader Product Manager
Let’s be clear that this has nothing to do with revenue vs operating costs. Reader never made money directly (though you could maybe attribute some of Feedburner and AdSense for Feeds usage to it), and it wan’t the goal of the product.

Reader has been fighting for approval/survival at Google since long before I was a PM for the product. I’m pretty sure Reader was threatened with de-staffing at least three times before it actually happened. It was often for some reason related to social:

  • 2008 – let’s pull the team off to build OpenSocial
  • 2009 – let’s pull the team off to build Buzz
  • 2010 – let’s pull the team off to build Google+

It turns out they decided to kill it anyway in 2010, even though most of the engineers opted against joining G+. Ironically, I think the reason Google always wanted to pull the Reader team off to build these other social products was that the Reader team actually understood social (and tried a lot of experiments over the years that informed the larger social features at the company)[1]. Reader’s social features also evolved very organically in response to users, instead of being designed top-down like some of Google’s other efforts[2].

I suspect that it survived for some time after being put into maintenance because they believed it could still be a useful source of content into G+. Reader users were always voracious consumers of content, and many of them filtered and shared a great deal of it.

But after switching the sharing features over to G+ (the so called “share-pocalypse”) along with the redesigned UI, my guess is that usage just started to fall – particularly around sharing. I know that my sharing basically stopped completely once the redesign happened [3]. Though Google did ultimately fix a lot of the UI issues, the sharing (and therefore content going into G+) would never recover.

So with dwindling usefulness to G+, (likely) dwindling or flattening usage due to being in maintenance, and Google’s big drive to focus in the last couple of years, what choice was there but to kill the product?

Personally, I think that there is still a lot of value a service like Reader could provide — particularly in a world with increasing information overload coming us from many different sources. But Reader at Google was pigeonholed as an RSS-reader explicitly, and didn’t have a chance to grow beyond that to explore that space. But that’s neither here nor there.

[1] See Reader’s friends implementations v1, v2, and v3, comments, privacy controls, and sharing features. Actually wait, you can’t see those anymore, since they were all ripped out.

[2] Rob Fishman‘s Buzzfeed article has good coverage of this: Google’s Lost Social Network

[3] Reader redesign: Terrible decision, or worst decision? I was a lot angrier then than I am now — now I’m just sad.

真的好可惜啊, 还有这么多用户呢. 也开始对各种云产品更加不放心. 现在disk这么便宜, 好歹maintenance mode可以搞上很多年嘛, 干脆搞个snapshot也行啊.

暂时还没有打算找替代品, 好歹还能用到7月1号, 这段时间里应该会有很多替代品出现吧. 不知道有没有办法把我所有follow的blog所有过去的文章倒出来, 很多朋友的blog都没有了.

话说既然都到了云时代, 或者不如全自己架云host吧…


1. 网站那些事儿


– Sina的播放器实在太烂… (怎么可以这么差)
– 要找对bottle neck,要把逻辑前移。也是个金字塔模型,80%的请求只需要20%的资源..
– 又想起华奶奶的“有一利,有一弊”,对系统做任何一个改动,总是有一利有一弊,又想马儿跑的快又想马儿不吃草的事是不可能的。当我们做任何优化的时候一定要牢记在心。
– 做sharding的时候要注意平衡(4square宕机),但同时要考虑各个shard要是自然属性分离的闭包,不然一个请求还是要访问多个shard也太亏了(商务网站买家和卖家的例子)
– Scalability 和 Availability – 一些不是很熟悉的技术:虚ip, BGP Broadcast
– Cache的使用 和 Dog Pile Effect(facebook宕机和skype宕机)

2. 互联网的多数人暴政 (Tyranny of the Majority)



不记得从什么时候开始(可能是Google),所有的Web公司都开始追求数据数据数据,大家做着各种不同的A-B Test然后做一些艰难或不艰难的决定,总是去满足那些绝大多数用户,于是那些少部分用户,总会有些少部分的用户,就这样被抛弃了。

