

Every story has an end, 过去的星期五是我在Z公司的最后一天. 告别难免会有点伤感, 这两年半的时间是一段无比有意思的经历, 伴随着公司的各种Roller coaster般的成长, 学了不少东西, 交了不少朋友, 也经历了起起伏伏. Thanks everyone for being part of the fun journey.

第一次离职, 也小心翼翼的, 好在大老板小老板都很理解, exit interview的HR mm也无比nice.

这两天有点纠结的时候, 看到Quora上的这篇好贴: “Did anyone decline an offer to work at Instagram?

If you’re in the Valley for any amount of time, you’ll have missed opportunities. You can’t second-guess your decisions. You gather information, you think hard, you pick what feels right, then you walk into the future with serenity.

期待下一个fun journey.